Coffee and Espresso Machines

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Coffee is our passion. We know that finding the right home coffee machine or office espresso machine can be a little daunting - there are so many options, a whole new language to learn and for something that satisfies one of life’s simple pleasures, it is easy to be overwhelmed. We hope this little ‘how to’ guide will help de-mystify the process for you and lead you to the ‘best’ coffee machine for you.

Before we start, it is important you realise that every espresso machine we sell can produce great coffee. In most cases, spending more will simply increase the feature set and, in many cases, you may be getting features that you just don’t need. Rather than bombard you with the benefits of each of the key features that make up our home coffee machine range, we thought we’d get to know you by asking a few questions:

How much room do you have?

In many modern kitchens, space is at a premium. For those with limited space, we have a range of compact coffee machines designed to free up as much bench space as possible. Many of our entry-level home espresso machines like the Gaggia Evolution Home have small footprints - but don’t think a small space has to equal a small feature set - premium small footprint coffee machines like the La Marzocco Linea Mini Home Coffee Machine punch way above their size.

Do you love to entertain?

Sharing coffee with friends and loved ones is one of life’s great pleasures. The boiling equipment in your home coffee machine or office espresso machine is at the heart of keeping you out of the kitchen and in the company of your guests. So you regularly host the gang at your place? We’d strongly suggest you consider a Heat Exchange Coffee Machine or a coffee machine with dual boilers. These machines have better thermal stability, greater capacity and can pump out more cups than their single-boiler siblings. Many Dual Boiler Coffee Machines have the added advantage of providing control over the temperature of your extraction process separate to your steam tip, meaning you can be gentler on the beans with plenty of steam for your milk texturing. You might also consider a Plumbed In Coffee Machine that takes away the hassle of filling up the water reservoir.

Are you afraid to fire up the espresso machine for fear of waking up the whole house?

There's nothing worse than missing out on your morning coffee because your coffee machine makes more noise than a freight train. Our range of Rotary Pump Coffee Machine tend to be way quieter than their vibrating pump espresso machine cousins. As an added benefit, they give you much more control over your coffee extraction process.

Are you looking for a statement piece, a piece of mechanical art or a technological marvel?

For some, simply moving beyond the ‘standard’ chrome to a Black or White Home Espresso Machine is a statement unto itself, but if design is where your heart is at, we have coffee machines like the Kees Van Der Westen Speedster, Rocket Apartamento and Elektra Verve to suit any aesthetic.

Looking for more of a technological masterpiece? The San Remo You coffee machine is perfect for the control freaks among us. It offers precise control over every aspect of the extraction process and is a top pick for those who love to get their geek on as they drive towards coffee perfection.

Looking for something for a busy office?

You may want to consider something from our commercial coffee machine range or a Volumetric Coffee Machine. Volumetric machines allow you to dial hem in to suit your preferred grind and produce consistent cups shot to shot by controlling the flow and volume of water used in the extraction process and, although a little more expensive, are awesome for busy environments.

Do I need an E61 Group Head?

The E61 is the standard by which all other group heads are measured and, for good reason. It is a legend in the coffee world. It is machined from a big, solid block of metal which gives exceptional temperature stability. Plenty has happened in the world of coffee since 1961 - so you don’t ‘need’ an E61 - just look for a group head you can afford and that otherwise meets your needs when making your home or office coffee machine purchasing decision.

All too much?

Call us or drop us a line. Coffee is our passion and we love nothing more than helping our customers find the espresso machine that is right for them. We’ve been doing this for over 20 years. Our specialised knowledge of parts and espresso machine calibration has allowed us to hand-select a range of coffee-making machines and grinders which we believe to be the best at their given price point. Yes, the Kees Speedster espresso machine paired with a Mazzer Kony Electronic is an amazing home setup - but we know it isn’t within every budget!

Happy Brewing!

Our quick start guide to pulling the perfect espresso shot

Just like the ‘best’ coffee machine, the perfect brew is definitely one of personal preference - but we figure it can’t help to have a starting point, right? Just remember the best coffee starts with your favourite freshly ground coffee bean. For espresso we want a medium - fine grind (think somewhere between the salt you get out of a grinder and the salt you get with fast food).

As our starting point we will aim for a brew with a 1:2 ratio (for every gram of coffee grounds, we are looking to extract 2 grams of espresso) extracted over a 30 second period. You will need:

  • Your coffee machine
  • Your favourite coffee beans, ground to a medium fine grind.
  • A dosing cup or shot glass (at a pinch)
  • A set of coffee scales
  • Tamper

Let's get started

  • Step 1: Place your portafilter on your scale and set to zero.
  • Step 2: Add 20 grams of coffee grounds to your portafilter. Gently tap your portafilter on the bench to distribute the grounds evenly and them tamp using your tamper. Apply firm, even pressure - you don’t want to drive the tamper through the bench, but need to provide enough force to get a solid extraction
  • Step 3: Place your portafilter in your machine
  • Step 4: We want to weigh what comes out once we extract our shot. Ideally, your scales will fit under your portafilter with your dosing cup or shot glass. Make sure you set the scales to zero.
  • Step 5: Now we will extract your shot. You want to time your extraction. Take note of the time, or use the timer function on your scales (the good ones start timing once they sense a change in weight). Extract your shot for 30 seconds.

Rinse and repeat until you get to your 1:2 ratio and end up with 40mls of delicious espresso. From there you can play with beans, blends, grind size, extraction time, tamp pressure, water temperature, water pressure - the opportunity to nerd out is endless!

Happy Brewing!