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Syphon Coffee, sometimes called siphon coffee, has remained a popular brewing method for a long time now for a number of reasons: aside from its beauty and the theatre of preparation it actually has a very stable and controllable temperature in the upper chamber. Made quietly, through a hot water vacuum system, the produced coffee is gentler than other brewing methods such as Espresso, Chemex and Batch Brew. We stock beautiful Syphons from brands such as Hario and Timemore
The coffee syphon also known as a siphon, is globally one of the most popular coffee brewing devices available, which is no surprise given its theatrical nature. It’s also not a new. The coffee syphon has existed in one form or another as far back as 1700s, a time in which international trade was set on a path of tremendous growth. Syphon Brewers deliver the theatrical beauty and precision of traditional full immersion vacuum brewing using atmospheric pressure, yet is simplified for the home, making a complex and velvety cup of coffee.
No matter the method of brewing, we always recommend pairing your brew with a beautiful Coffee Cup. We have a large range of mugs and cups from brands such as Huskee, Kinto, Fellow, Hario and Acme-and-co.
To brew you will need a Syphon coffee maker, butane burner, freshly ground coffee and water. In essence, cold water is added to the syphon's lower bowl called the bulb, and activate your heat source under the lower bulb. As the water heats up it forces the water up to the top bowl. Once in the top bowl, add your coffee, and gently but thoroughly submerge the coffee with a bamboo paddle. Let the coffee brew for one minute and then remove your syphon from its heat source and give it a stir with a bamboo paddle. Your coffee should take another minute or so to draw back down with atmospheric pressure and finally rest in the bulb. Remove the hopper and serve. Remember in order to serve the most complex cup, give the coffee some cooling time.
If you're not used to black coffee, syphon coffee might appear quite strong when you first see it in the glass but take a sip and you'll soon realise, that even if you usually order coffee with sugar, with this one, you probably won't need to.
What style of alternative brewing do you enjoy the most? We’ve got all your brewing styles down pat whether you prefer black coffee like an Aeropress, Syphon, Batch Brew, French press, Chemex, Pour Over, Moka Pot or something a little cooler like a Cold Brew / cold drip! If you prefer more of a milk based beverage (absolutely) you might pair your Portable Coffee with a manual Milk Frother from our range to get you that delicious creamy morning brew! Now of course we have everything you need to make your coffee experience the best it can be including, Coffee Scales , Pour Over Stands, Filters , Manual Grinders, Gooseneck Kettles, Coffee Servers and Cupping Tools and Coffee Cups if you’re into some taste testing! For our non- coffee drinkers we have a wide variety of Tea Gear which you’ll love! Happy brewing!
Syphon is an incredibly unique brewing method within the specialty coffee world. If you love slow coffee and the creativity of brewing, well this is for you. The Syphon coffee unit uses a source of heat to create high enough pressure to make brewing possible. The heat forces the boiling water into the upper chamber whereby the brewing process begins. Once the extraction period is met, the heat is shut off allowing the coffee to filter back into the bottom chamber. This creates a clean, sharp and gentle brew.
It’s no secret that syphon coffee is a complex cup of coffee to make when comparing to other methods of brewing like Espresso Machines, French press or Pour Over Coffee. That being said, the flavour of syphon coffee is described as clean, crisp and bright coffee. Even for those of you who are not used to black coffee, it may look dark and strong at first, but you’ll quickly realise that due to the method of brewing, it is quite a gentle brew.
If you are a milk lover and cannot go without it, try looking into our Milk Frother range! We have products from Subminimal ,Bialetti and Bellman to create the perfect micro foam for your brew.